Tuesday, November 8, 2011

His perfect timing

It's been six wonderful, sanctifying, fun, challenging, new, blissful, and divine months being in a relationship with this man. 

The Lord has done so much in us this past year and we are forever grateful for His perfect timing.  

I adore him. 

Last year I had no idea what God was up to with Dave and I. 
There were many tears. 
And it was all God's plan. 
Dave and I often reflect on last year and our story and smile about what God has done to each of us. Last year wasn't the right timing. We didn't understand then. But we understand now. 
God had this in mind all along. 

Job 42:3  You asked, 'Who this that questions my wisdom with such ignorance?' It is I- and I was talking about things I knew nothing about, things far too wonderful for me.

Monday, November 7, 2011


My sweet friend, Ashley and I often talk and process through sin we discover in our lives. We ask ourselves and each other questions to tell whether our thoughts of desires are sinful or not. Jesus points us to the image of bad fruit growing from a bad tree in Luke 6:43-45. I pray the Lord will expose my heart by the Spirit through His Word, but the mistake that I've been making is that I dwell when I'm looking at myself rather than dwelling on Christ. The Spirit is showing me that I'm getting so wrapped up in weeding out my sin, and neglecting to plant grace! 

Tim Chester does a great job at teaching this by saying, "Along with weeding out sin, we need to plant grace. When other plants are thriving, weeds grow poorly because they're deprived of space, light, water, and nutrients. It's the same with Christians. When our thoughts are filled with the glory of God and our lives are filled with the service of God, there'll be less room for sin and temptation (Gal. 6:7-10)  
I want to daily harvest the weeding out sin in my heart and planting grace, making less space for sin.  

Robert Murray M'Cheyne said, "For one look at yourself, take ten looks at Christ."

Don't forget to plant grace.